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More Particle effects, coding retry level button and coding next level button!!!


Hello, since the last blog post, I have been working on the mobile game. I have added lots of features to the game. The first feature I have added is lots of new particle effects. The particle effects I have added are a explosion effect which is used for an explosion when matching ores. I have also added a simple rain type particle effect onto the game over screen. I have also added a fuse type effect to the bomb power up. This effect can be seen on the bomb power up when the player has a bomb available. I have also added a effect to the main menu. The effect is a raining effect. This effect is raining down the ores. I have also coded two buttons to the game. The first one is on the game over screen and this button is a retry button. This button restarts the level. The second button is a next level button. This button starts the next level. This button is located on the game win screen. At the bottom of this post there will be a summary video of all the effects.

Main menu effect

This is the main menu effect. This effect is a raining effect, that rains down different ores. I decided to go with this idea because it was an idea that the team liked. This effect helps show the miner theme as the items of the mine are falling down.

Game over effect

This is the game over effect. This effect is a simple rain effect. I did this effect to make game over screen look better and to make it standout more. Before the game over screen was plain and was missing something. I feel like this effect has improved the game over screen.

Bomb effect

This is the bomb effect. This is a simple fuse effect, that is shown when the player has a bomb available. This used used to tell the player that there is a bomb to be used. I made this fuse that effect because it was a good idea that my team discussed and then I felt that this fuse effect was the best way to show the bomb is available. When the player has no bombs the effect is not played.

Explosion Effect

This is the explosion effect. This effect is played when the player matches something or some ores are destroyed. I decided to make this effect because this effect suited the miner theme because when mining things are being destroyed and blown up. This effect also feels nicer to play with and makes it more satisfying to match stuff.

Retry Level Button

When the game overs. The game over screen will appear and the player can now restart the level.

Next Level Button

Pressing the next level button will start the next level.

Code for the buttons

This is the code for the two buttons. The retry level button gets the current level and open the correct scene. While the next level button will add one to the current level and then open that scene. These two buttons were added to the game because it will make the playing experience for the player better.

Summary Video Of Effects

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