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Updating 2 player models, adding boss and boss room!


Hello. I have been working on my project the past few weeks and I have made some progress. The first thing I want to say is that I have updated the player 3 and 4 models. The previous models didn't fit the game and I have changed them to models that better suit the game.

New player 3 model.

New player 4 model.

Current Boss Room.

This is the current boss room. My goal for this room is to make it feel and look like the boss is living there, the room is currently unfinished, and I plan to add more to it. The white spheres are used to know where the exits are. When the boss is killed 3 chests will be spawned in as a reward. The chests can be seen in the image,

The Boss.

This video shows the boss in its current state. The boss still needs some work as there a few bugs mainly with the navigation. The boss has a melee attack and a ranged attack. The rock is only a temporary asset and will be changed to a spell attack. The boss will most likely have more health as well. This video shows inside the boss room as well.

What is next?

My next goal is to fix the bugs with the boss and to finish the boss room. After that my goal will be to finish the player abilities. Then I will start a quest system and progression into the future areas.

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